Donn C. Fullenweider Grant
Donn C. Fullenwider passed away in 2023 after practicing law for over half a century. Simply put, Donn was one of the premier family lawyers in the United States. He was admitted to the Texas Bar in 1958 and ultimately earned a spot in the “Hall of Legends” of the State Bar of Texas. Renowned for his exceptional professionalism, Donn served as President of the AAML, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Bar of Texas, Chairman of the State Bar of Texas Litigation Section, President and Founder of the Burta Rhodes Raborn American Inns of Court and Founding Chairman of the ABA Family Law Trial Advocacy Institute. He also served on the American Board of Trial Advocates, authored numerous books and professional articles, and spoke at dozens of continuing legal education seminars. Donn’s contributions to the AAML are legendary, and he is widely considered to be the “Grandfather” of the AAML Foundation, which he helped to conceptualize and establish in 1990. The Donn C. Fullenwider Grant is bestowed upon an agency that provides legal services and/or educates lawyers.
Grant Recipients
2023-2024: DC Affordable Law Firm, Washington, DC, for Family Law Legal Services for DC residents earning low wages
2024-2025: CASA of Monmouth County, Oakhurst, NJ, for CASA Courtroom Advocacy