


The Bylaws Committee reviews the bylaws and recommends any changes via resolutions to the Foundation Board of Directors.

Julia Swain, Chair

Brian Sobol

Brian Vertz, Ex officio


The Finance Committee studies and recommends policy for the prudent management of Foundation funds in consultation with the Foundation’s investment advisor. Finance Committee members and the Treasurer regularly review the expenditures and investment of the Foundation accounts to ensure compliance with the Foundation mission and investment policies. 

Natalia Wilson, Chair

Michele Bissada

Jorge Cestero

Helen Davis

John Durward

Brian Vertz, Ex officio


Forensic and Business Valuation Membership

The Forensic and Business Valuation Membership Committee reviews all F&BV membership applications and recommends candidates for approval to the Foundation Board of Directors. In addition, the Forensic and Business Valuation Division members are available as a knowledge resource to Foundation members. 

Larry Moskowitz, Co-chair

Ken Pia, Co-chair

Michele Bissada

Stacy Collins

Jim McLaren

Ron Seigneur

Briggs Stahl

Deb Tate


The Fundraising Committee plans programs and activities to raise the funds necessary to carry out the mission of the Foundation. The Committee is also tasked with developing and implementing new fundraising campaigns to meet the day to day financial needs and charitable goals of the Foundation. 

Gary Rosen, Co-Chair

Lauren Waddell, Co-chair

Renee Chernus, Vice-chair

Bob Brandt

JoAl Cannon Sheridan

Jessica Drennan

Leigh Kahn

Jackie Kemp

Joani Moberg

Lyne Ranson

Ronique Robinson

Elisha Roy

Barbara Runge

Natalie Webb

Richard West

Brian Vertz, Ex officio


Gift Acceptance

The Gift Acceptance Committee is responsible for ensuring that all gifts received adhere to the AAML Foundation’s Gift Acceptance Policy.

Brian Vertz, Chair

Natalia Wilson

Bob Brandt

Helen Davis

Meighan Harmon

Sue Moss


The Grants Committee evaluates the applications for grants and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for annual awards to grant applicants based upon the Board’s grant policy. The Grants Committee establishes objective criteria for grant awards and ranks the applications. The Committee also proposes policy affecting such awards. 

Julia Swain, Chair

Jorge Cestero, Vice-chair  

Bob Brandt

JoAl Cannon Sheridan  

Renee Chernus

Stacy Collins

John Durward  

Twila Larkin

Elisha Roy

Bruce Steinfeld

Deb Tate

Joanne Ross Wilder Lecture

In coordination with the AAML CLE Chairs, the Joanne Ross Wilder Lecture Committee obtains and recommends the guest lecturer to speak at the Annual Meeting of the AAML. The lecture is reserved for presentation on a leading topic that is thought provoking and challenges lawyers to view the practice in unconventional ways. 

JoAl Cannon Sheridan, C0-chair

Helen Davis, Co-chair

Barbara Runge

Fred Siegel

Drew Soshnick

Bruce Steinfeld

Lauren Waddell

Long Range Planning

The Long Range Planning Committe is responsible for creating and recommending a long-range plan for the Foundation, which may include fundraising, grants policy, and leadership and governance, and other topics that relate to the AAML Foundation’s purpose of protecting families, particularly children.

Gary Rosen, Chair

Brian Vertz

To be determined


The Nominating Committee, chaired by the President Elect, proposes candidates to fill Director and Officer vacancies by soliciting and reviewing candidates for office.  

Gary Rosen, Chair

Michèle Bissada

Cary Cheifetz

Cary Mogerman

Julie Swain

Amy Weis

Planned Giving

The Planned Giving Committee works to encourage AAML Fellows to create significant planned gifts by will, trust, or other means which grow the investable assets of the Foundation. The Committee is also tasked with reaching out to potential donors and properly acknowledging the planned gifts. 

Anita Rodarte, Co-chair

Meighan A. Harmon, Co-chair

Rob Benavente

Joy Feinberg

Amy Kennedy

Kristen Nelson

Larry Moskowitz

Francesca O’Cathain

Lyne Ranson

Barbara Runge



The Policy Committee reviews and recommends changes to Foundation policies as directed by the Foundation President and Board of Directors.

Gary Rosen, Chair

Staci Balbirer

Rob Benavente

Jessica Drennan

Elisha Roy

Deb Tate

Brian Vertz, Ex officio


The Publicity Committee coordinates publicizing the work of the Foundation both to the Fellows of the AAML and the public at large. The Committee is tasked with preparing the Foundation’s Annual Report and providing content for the Foundation’s website and social, and the Academy’s monthly newsletter. The Committee is the channel that in part helps publicize our fundraising campaigns and the many activities of the Foundation. In addition, the Committee is tasked with keeping the Board apprised of technological developments that affect the ability of the Foundation to reach out to Fellows, Lifetime Members, Sponsors, and Friends of the Foundation as well as members of the public about the activities of the Foundation through the internet.

Brian Sobol, Co-chair

Bruce Steinfeld, Co-chair

John Durward, Vice chair

Staci Balbirer

Renee Chernus

Leigh Kahn

Jackie Kemp

Twila Larkin

Sue Moss

Francesca O’ Cathain

Lauren Waddell

Natalie Webb

Richard West


The Sponsorship Committee seeks and facilitates sponsorships for Foundation events including the Foundation Reception, Lifetime Members Luncheon, and tees and greens at the AAML MidYear Golf Outing. Other sponsorship opportunities include the Annual Report and Trolleys to/from the Reception. The Committee is also tasked with making sure the sponsors’ concerns are passed on to the Foundation Board and staff, and with making sure that prompt responses are communicated back to the sponsors. The Sponsorship Committee has been instrumental in building long lasting relationships that promote the mission of the Foundation. 

Brian Vertz, Chair

Gary Rosen

Natalia Wilson

Annual Meeting Committees
Lifetime Members Luncheon

The Lifetime Members Luncheon Committee coordinates all aspects of the Lifetime Members Luncheon held in Chicago during the AAML annual meeting. 

Brian Vertz, Chair

Foundation Reception

In coordination with the Fundraising Committee, the Reception Committee coordinates all aspects of the Reception held in Chicago during the AAML annual meeting. 

Brian Vertz, Chair