Jim & Lea Hennenhoefer Grant

The Jim and Lea Hennenhoefer Grant

James A. HennenhoeferThe Foundation Board of Directors established the Jim and Lea Hennenhoefer Grant in gratitude to Jim Hennenhoefer and his devoted wife Lea in honor of Jim’s dedication and service to the Foundation. The purpose for establishing this grant was to annually award and recognize the most innovative grant applicant. James A. Hennenhoefer (1941-2017) had so many talents and interests within and outside the practice of law. Both the Foundation and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers benefitted from these interests. Raised in St. Louis, Jim served with honor in the Vietnam War before attending law school and settling in California where he formed his own law firm and worked side by side with his wife Lea while raising three children. Jim was a gifted lawyer with outstanding achievements. He served as President of the Academy, 2007-2008, and the Foundation, 2003-2005, and tirelessly taught the bench and bar throughout the United States about Electronically Stored Information (ESI) and its impact on the practice of law. Jim knew that to master the future, you must know the past.  While a student of innovation and technology, Jim collected and became a renowned expert on pocket watches. He knew, and shared, their workings and their history with others. Jim knew that to navigate the future you needed to understand the past. It is fitting that a man who knew the value of timepieces gave so freely of his own time. We honor Jim and Lea by spotlighting innovation as the consequence of our knowledge of the past. Jim would not have had it any other way.

Grant Recipients

2024-2025: The Lilac Tree – Center for Divorce Resources, Evanston, IL, for the Divorce University Online Library

2023-2024: The Children’s Center, Salt Lake City, UT, for Trauma Treatment for Childhood Domestic Abuse Survivors program

2022-2023: f.a.c.e.s. for children, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, for Supervised Visitation for Parents and Children Intern Program

2021-2022: Harriett Buhai Center, Los Angeles, CA, for Volunteer Program for Family Law and Domestic Violence Assistance for Low-Income Families

2020-2021: Legal Information for Families Today, Brooklyn, NY, for Online Expansion: Family Law Education and Community Outreach

2019-2020: Haven Hills, Inc., Canoga Park, CA, for Shelter and Access to Legal Services for Domestic Violence Survivors

2018-2019: Homeless Youth Law Clinic, Portland, OR, for The Homeless Family Reunification Project, Part Two: Deepening the Impact

2017-2018: Volunteer Lawyers for Justice, Newark, NJ, for Divorce Program